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Souvenir Mining Spoon Bowl Park City Silver King
Gardner Shaft Postcard
Gardiner Shaft Postcard
Bisbee Spoon
Bisbee Spoon Embossed Picture
  Bisbee Spoon Handle Top.jpg - SOUVENIR MINING SPOON COPPER QUEEN MINE - Sterling silver spoon embossedwith a detailed picture of the Gardner Shaft at the Copper Queen Mine and marked Gardiner Shaft Copper Queen Mines Bisbee Ariz; with California poppies on the handle, 5 5/8 in long, weighs 22.4gms, marked on back 81 with Sterling and a circled S hallmark [An interesting aspect of this spoon concerns the marking of Gardiner Shaft in the spoon’s bowl.  Research on the Copper Queen Mine from around 1903 to 1907 shows the spelling of this shaft as either Gardiner (as noted on the spoon) or Gardner, which seems to be used almost exclusively after 1907.  References such as the Feb 14, 1904 edition of the Los Angeles Herald, an Arizona Historical Society collection from the early 1900s, and the 1907 Mining and Scientific Press Vol. 94 among others refer to the Gardiner Shaft.  A 1903 Mining Magazine article, Ransome’s 1904 USGS Professional Paper No. 21 on the Bisbee Quadrangle and Horace Steven’s 1906 Mines Register all refer to the Gardner Shaft.  This apparent question on the spelling of the shaft’s name is even shown by two postcards of the same shaft with both spellings in use.  The Gardiner spelling would date the spoon’s existence to the very early 1900s.]  
Bisbee Spoon Reverse Handle Top
Bisbee Spoon Hallmark
Granite Mine Postcard
Souvenir Mining Spoon Granite Mine
Souvenir Mining Spoon Granite Mine Victor

Bisbee Spoon Handle Top | SOUVENIR MINING SPOON COPPER QUEEN MINE - Sterling silver spoon embossed with a detailed picture of the Gardner Shaft at the Copper Queen Mine and marked Gardiner Shaft Copper Queen Mines Bisbee Ariz; with California poppies on the handle, 5 5/8 in long, weighs 22.4gms, marked on back 81 with Sterling and a circled S hallmark [An interesting aspect of this spoon concerns the marking of Gardiner Shaft in the spoon’s bowl. Research on the Copper Queen Mine from around 1903 to 1907 shows the spelling of this shaft as either Gardiner (as noted on the spoon) or Gardner, which seems to be used almost exclusively after 1907. References such as the Feb 14, 1904 edition of the Los Angeles Herald, an Arizona Historical Society collection from the early 1900s, and the 1907 Mining and Scientific Press Vol. 94 among others refer to the Gardiner Shaft. A 1903 Mining Magazine article, Ransome’s 1904 USGS Professional Paper No. 21 on the Bisbee Quadrangle and Horace Steven’s 1906 Mines Register all refer to the Gardner Shaft. This apparent question on the spelling of the shaft’s name is even shown by two postcards of the same shaft with both spellings in use. The Gardiner spelling would date the spoon’s existence to the very early 1900s.] Download Original Image
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